Saturday, March 21, 2009

Picture Orgy

Song playing: Swing Swing - The All American Rejects

Happy Independence Day, Namibia! (^.-)
Today is also International Down Syndrom Day, fyi.

So we have officially moved into our new home. Pics are a must (
yes, i found my camera !):

the beverage of the South

this bigass tree in our front yard, seen from the porch floor

Abby We make a good team (:

my invention: cornbread with syrup. yumm.
the view from our car in the wal-mart parking lot...lul idk i just love this pic

So spring break is finally here ^^ i'm heading back to Chicago on either Sunday night or Monday morning to see family and friends again. (: Shit i hope my camera starts working by then. Yeah, it won't turn on for some reason. i'm recharging the batteries (even though i'm sure they were already charged when i put them in) and really really hoping that it'll start working for the ride up there. i love to take pictures on the road. ><

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Unsung Hero of YOFACE

Today i think we all ought to appreciate our noses.

Yes, the beautiful nose.

And, the not so beautiful;

Think what might happen if you couldn't smell anything. If some guy just came up and chopped your nose off. Think of all the smells you would be missing !!
cookies O.O

flowerss ^-^

fresh laundry (i don't know about you but this is definitely my favorite smell in the whole world)

your loved one's hair..

the earth after it rains

So today i learned the importance of my nose, and i hope you did too. God bless noses.

(me being proud of my nose)