Sunday, April 5, 2009

i should be in bed.

Song playing: Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings {my favorite song in the whole fuckin world}

Okay so it's like 2 am on Saturday night...and guess where i am. That's right--sitting at home, bored and alone. My super sexy husband did call me and we talked for maybe four hours but his phone died at around 1:30 so here i am now cuz i don't feel like going to sleep... Hey i made a new youtube account and you should totally go check it out it's boypoison129 and right now i only have two, correction, ONE vid up, just filmed today but yeah. My interest in youtube has been revived! Thanks to Heather's vlog; a series of videos about an insanely hot girl that thinks she's a vampire answering questions about vampire life. i think she's funny as crap and i watched all of her vids before i decided to make my own. Okay, so yeah maybe my vid does suck. But they'll get better once i have something better to do and film.

Happy Independence Day, Senegal ! Well, actually, it was yesterday but i haven't been on here in a while due to business/forgetfullness so gimme a break.

So yeah also check out my friend Jam's vid, here's the link (once again, my dumb ass can't figure out how to put links on here so just don't be lazy and copy/paste) Yeah. Watch the whole thing, betches. i hope to be like her one day.

UGH this is taking FOREVER. It's been like an hour already and the thing is only half done uploading. OH and guess what guys?!?!?! Somehow my eyebrows have obtained the ability to do that eyebrow you know one goes up the other goes down? Yeah i've never ever been able to do it before no matter how fuckin hard i tried but now i can. ^^ i'll make a vid showing you. But not right now. God i look like a piece of shit. i have to go to bed soon--church tomorrow. And you know what i've decided that i'm not really right for the whole christian thing. Sometimes i feel like God just rejected me, sometimes i think it's me that's rejecting God. But anyway.

OMG. It's that part of the night where i'm so fuckin tired that i get like really hyper. My knee won't stop bouncing and i feel like doing something. Yeah in a few minutes i'll be like, dead tired, so i should probably get going now. Just wanted to let you know that i'm not dead and say hello to my new follower. :D You have made my day just knowing that someone actually reads this bullshit.

Yeah idk.

Peace, love, and pineapples. ;*

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Picture Orgy

Song playing: Swing Swing - The All American Rejects

Happy Independence Day, Namibia! (^.-)
Today is also International Down Syndrom Day, fyi.

So we have officially moved into our new home. Pics are a must (
yes, i found my camera !):

the beverage of the South

this bigass tree in our front yard, seen from the porch floor

Abby We make a good team (:

my invention: cornbread with syrup. yumm.
the view from our car in the wal-mart parking lot...lul idk i just love this pic

So spring break is finally here ^^ i'm heading back to Chicago on either Sunday night or Monday morning to see family and friends again. (: Shit i hope my camera starts working by then. Yeah, it won't turn on for some reason. i'm recharging the batteries (even though i'm sure they were already charged when i put them in) and really really hoping that it'll start working for the ride up there. i love to take pictures on the road. ><

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Unsung Hero of YOFACE

Today i think we all ought to appreciate our noses.

Yes, the beautiful nose.

And, the not so beautiful;

Think what might happen if you couldn't smell anything. If some guy just came up and chopped your nose off. Think of all the smells you would be missing !!
cookies O.O

flowerss ^-^

fresh laundry (i don't know about you but this is definitely my favorite smell in the whole world)

your loved one's hair..

the earth after it rains

So today i learned the importance of my nose, and i hope you did too. God bless noses.

(me being proud of my nose)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Song playing: The Naked Brothers Band - Crazy Car

Well my mom signed me up for this thing two weeks ago. She showed me this website (as you can see, i don't know how to put links on here..). AMTC is a Christian organization dedicated to helping out the talented--the singers, dancers, models, and actors. She showed me the video of a very talented girl named Taylor. She sang, modeled, and did monologues and improv and skits and a commercial..and she was amazing at all of it. She was named Best Overall Actress. And i just kept thinking, there's no way i'll ever be half as good as her. After that i didn't really think about the auditions until a couple days before, when Mom kept reminding me to get a monologue.

Mr. Gossett recommended the monologue i did for the recital, the night we did Alice in Wonderland at the high school. But that on was the one Yvaine from Stardust did, telling Tristan that she was in love with him, and i didn't really like it. It was kind of boring. Mr. Gossett, however, was crazy about it. i decided to do something my way and i chose a monologue from the Disney movie Aladdin, where the Genie is just emerging from the lamp:

Aaaaahhhhh! OY! Ten-thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck! Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there! (pretends to have a microphone) Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. (to Aladdin) Hi, where ya from? What's your name? Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin. Nice to have you on the show. Can we call you 'Al?' Or maybe just 'Din?' Or howbout 'Laddi?' (suddenly is wearing a kilt) Sounds like "Here, boy! C'mon, Laddi!" Do you smoke? Mind if I do? Oh, sorry Cheetah, hope I didn't singe the fur! Hey, Rugman! Haven't seen you in a few millennia! Slap me some tassel! Yo! Yeah! (high-fives carpet) Say, you're a lot smaller than my last master. Either that or I'm gettin' bigger. Look at me from the side, do I look different to you? That's right, you're my master! He can be taught!! What would you wish of me, (as Arnold Schwarzenegger) the ever impressive, (inside a cube) the long contained, (as a ventriloquist with a dummy) often imitated, but never duplicated....(he multiplies into about 7 different Genies)...duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated.... Genie! Of! The Lamp! (as Ed Sullivan) Right here direct from the lamp, right here for your enjoyment wish fulfillment. Thank youuuuu! (back) You get three wishes to be exact. And ix-nay on the wishing for more wishes. That's it, three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds. Master, I don't think you quite realize what you've got here! So why don't you just ruminate, while I illuminate the possibilities!

But i got the monologue on Wednesday, the night before the auditions. That's a lot to memorize in one i shortened it so it stopped at "Thank youuuuuu!" But i still didn't have the whole thing down. i knew i was in trouble. Mom practically had to drag me to the auditions.

But we got there and i sat in a room with about 300 other people for like 10 minutes, the whole time still trying to memorize the damn monologue.

The guy that was supposed to be there to judge us -- some Chinese dude -- never showed.

So the CEO came instead !!

We were divided into groups based on our main reason for coming, so i was put into the acti
ng group. The very little ones went first; the ones 4 to about 12, so they could go home to bed first. Then the teenagers, and finally, the old people. (: i was put behind a girl named Layla. At first she didn't seem like much competition, but then the CEO herself came by the line and had each of us perform our monologues for her. Layla's was about a suicidal girl trying to find God. She was good. Very good. i felt like a little kid doing mine after that, especially when i had to keep glancing at my paper. And the girl behind me, oh man, she could sing. In the middle of her monologue she started singing so it must've been something from a Broadway show or something like that. i was like, oh shit. i'm screwed.

So i finally got up to the table. i handed the lady Carmen my form thingy and a picture of me. Here's the picture:

i did my monologue (horribly) and then she asked how tall i was and if i would please stand back and turn around so she could look at me. Then i walked from the judge's desk to a big pillar and back again. My walk was especially bouncy and afterwards i thought i might have looked like i was trying to do a model walk. >< Whoops. That was it. We walked out and i told Mom i was glad she forced me to go. (: Callbacks were the next day between 8 and 2. Mom said 2 o'clock came and went. Oh, well. Then at 3 they called...said they would like to have me show up at the national competition in Orlando, Florida. They said i was bubbly. xD

SOOOOO ..... If i raise $3,600 i get to go compete ... The most you leave with, they said, is a contract. So i guess you could say that's the grand prize. i'm so excited. ^^ But lately i've been doubting myself... Mr. Gossett said he was very disappointed that i didn't do the Stardust monologue but he would help me in any way he could; however, my French teacher Mr. Darby said the whole thing was a scam. Darby says i would be better off going to a college for acting, and while that would cost a whole lot more than 3,600 bucks, it would be a better use of my time. Mom still says i should go for it, though.

Song playing: Lit - My Own Worst Enemy

Anyway today is March 7th...yeah it's taken me forever to finish this blog. In my defense, we moved into the new house last Thursday, and we still haven't moved my computer over there. Well, okay, i wouldn't exactly call it 'new,' but it's the best we've got right now. It's a temporary home. Mom says once she's saved up enough we'll move into someplace better. Meanwhile i'll be out in the middle of Cropwell, Alabama, and hopefully we'll get my computer moved and get Internet out there.


Saturday, February 21, 2009



In the past six days, i have hated my step brother, written a sad poem, watched my mom cry, prayed to someone i'm not even entirely sure exists, and moved out of Michael's house.

Song playing: Finger Eleven - Talking to the Walls

I'm sitting in my grandma's house again, in the guest room that is going to be my room for the next two weeks. The poem is not the best, i'm obviously no poet, but here it is anyway:


she never laughed
she never ate
she never did her work in school
she never talked to anyone
the clothes she wore weren't cool
and every day, it seemed
she slipped further and further away
an island unto herself,
she was always alone.

no one knew
her real name
she was just the girl who never talked
and no one knew what was inside
so it came as a shock
when suddenly she was gone
never to return
and no one knew the reason why
she would take her own life
but it was too late to ask.

i was just laying in bed, listening to my iPod and trying to block out pain, thoughts, just the whole world....i was listening to I'm With You by Avril Lavigne over and over when words just started popping up in my head like little bubbles...i ran out to the car to get my notebook and a pencil so i could write them down before i forgot them. so that's what happened. i've written poems before but not in a verryyyyy long time, so this was sort of a surprise.

Ugh. it's 10:40 and i'm tired of sitting on the floor. There's no desk in here for my computer. i'm tired of talking. i want to go to sleep.

good night.

Monday, February 16, 2009


YAYYYYYYY for Lithuania! Today is their Independence Day. Let's hear it for the Lithuanians.

Song playing: ICP - The Neden Game

i love this song :D

i talked to John last night, and i just have to say that i'd give the world for that boy. Wanna see him? ^^


i still have to take a shower. You know what, i think i'll do that now. i'm tired of sitting here and i think it'll help my soreness. Didn't sleep too well.

Ugh, my hair is soooo damaged. i love it long though and i'm too much of a pussy to cut it. Mom says i can get it colored if i get it cut, though. i'm going to get it so much darker. i hate the blonde in it. d:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yay magic.

Wow. Today has been quite an adventure.

i woke up with the phone open beside me. i smiled. Last night i had cried until my heart broke, for reasons unknown to me. John did call. Surprise, surprise. But his friend Brandon was there, and i hate it when John’s friends are there because he turns into a totally different person, his attention divided between me and them. i was hoping to have a serious John to talk to, and explain my feelings of loneliness and unloved-ness. Especially since it was Valentine’s Day, i was really hoping that he would start acting like he cared, or do something special. What kind of special are you asking for, you say, over the phone? Well i don’t know. Just something deviating from the normal conversations we have, something that let me know that he recognized this as a special day in our relationship, something to let me know that i’m still his world. Something to let me know he was sorry for the last fight we had…

Then he tells me that he has to hang up. Because, and i’ll probably never understand this, he was told that if he spent 20 minutes on the phone with a girl he would get punched in the nuts. i really hate his friends.

i told him no, he could not hang up on me. i would not pick up when he called back.Then he morphed into a bag of fucking sugar, saying “i love you,” over and over. Still, i said no. He even tried that sexy voice on me that usually has me with my pants off in about two seconds. i resisted. i started crying, so quietly that he thought i’d hung up on him, so he hung up on me. After five minutes of sobbing in my pillow, i called him back and asked him why he hung up on me. i told him that i’d been crying, i didn’t hang up on him. But i don’t know if he heard that or not.

One of his mom’s friends called, and he said he had to give the phone back to his mom (the boy has no phone of his own, but neither do i). i could only cry even more in response. He kept saying he was sorry. i think he really meant it. He said i love you, and after a few moments i said it back. i hung up with tears still in my eyes.

But then, he sent me a picture message. i’ve only seen about five pictures of his head, since he insists that he’s so ugly i wouldn’t like him anymore if i saw him. His hair is so long that you couldn’t ever see his face, anyway. But this one was the best picture i’d ever gotten of him. You still can’t see his face, but you can see that he has a Disturbed shirt on and you can even see his chin. He has a very nice chin. ^^ The message was, “I love u…sory.” i could even overlook the fact that he spelled sorry wrong because i was so happy. i studied the picture for twenty minutes before my eyes closed, and i kept the phone open all night long. The charger kept the screen lit. i woke up several times, and each time i dug for the phone under the covers to look at his picture again.


So while i was drying my hair after my shower, Mom told me about how Michael Jr. told Michael Sr. that she was cheating on him, and that she was “sex-deprived,” and all of this other shit. i was so PISSED. i kept looking out the bathroom door because if Junior happened to walk by on his way to his room he was going to get punched in the face.

While i was straightening my hair Junior knocked on my door to announce something, i don’t even remember what it was. Something about leaving soon. i marched to the door and threw it open and caught him while he was walking away. i asked him what his problem was. “What is my problem?” was his response. i asked him why he was saying shit about my mom. He said my mom’s been doing his father wrong. Punch him punch him punch him punch him punch him. “My mom has not done a damn thing but take care of you since the day she got here,” i nearly yelled at him. i was shaking with anger.

Chelsea walked by on her way to her room. “Chelsea, help me out here,” Michael said. She ignored him, and he looked down and laughed a little in embarrassment. Awh, does little Michael need his big sissy to fight his fights for him? “You are unbelievable,” i said. He just looked at me and smiled. i tried to kick him in the balls kicked but apparently i missed. He just backed off and laughed. Or maybe his dick is just so tiny that he didn't feel it. i stomped back to my room and shut the door harder than i’d ever had.

We didn’t all take the van, like we’ve done every Sunday before. Not only would all nine of us not fit in it, but since Mom and the stepdad are now over, they apparently did not even want to ride together. i was reminded of the weeks after my dad filed for divorce, when Mom had to sleep in the guest room and they avoided each other as much as possible until we moved into the apartment.

Mom, Kyle, Kelly and i all got in the van, but Mom forgot her phone so i went back inside to get it. On my way out Junior stood blocking the doorway. “Move,” I said roughly, pushing past him. “Girl, don’t touch me,” he said. Ooh, I was soo ready for a fight. I turned around and told him to shut up. He said you shut up. I said don’t talk to me like that. He said something, I don’t remember. I yelled, Don’t talk to me like that ever again or I swear to God I’m going to fucking punch your fucking face in. It went on like that until Big Michael showed and asked what the hell was going on. I stomped off the front porch, screaming that I wanted to be out of here so fucking bad. Big Michael said well in a few days you can be rid of this place.

I got in the car and we drove to my grandma’s church. I sat at the end of the pew, with Mom next to me and Grandma next to her. I hated the worship service at this church because everyone always got so emotional, and there would be people crying out and laying on their faces at the altar with people laying hands on them and praying loudly. And the worst part was, I always felt the slight urge to follow them. Today the urge was especially strong. I listed the reasons in my head why I’d rejected Christianity before. Animal slaughter, slavery, no gay’s rights, degrading women, God killing his own people whom he supposedly loved so much. A voice rang out in my head, clear as a bell, “NO. Don’t do it.” But all I could think about was how much I’d been crying last night, and how my life was getting shittier and shittier. And how one night, when I was laying in bed, I’d asked God to give me a hug and I immediately felt incredibly warm inside, with a feeling like light rising up inside me and making my ears ring. So I thought, maybe I could give this one more shot. And do it right this time.

Well, sitting three rows away from the preacher was definitely a bad idea. I watched him lean over and whisper something in his son’s ear. They were both looking in my direction. Oh crap, I thought. And sure enough, after a minute or so, he signaled the musicians to turn it down a bit. He told us that he felt like there were some people that felt like they wanted to go to the altar, but were afraid of “conviction.” That they were afraid of what people would think, and were trapped because of it. And he said it showed on their faces. He looked at me a couple of times; I know I wasn’t imagining it. Great. Was it that obvious? The song was Amazing Grace, and he said they were going to play the song one more time, and if there was anyone else that wanted to go the altar, now was the time, not next week, not a month from now. He stopped talking and the music started up again. Now I knew I was going to do it, God help me. Another preacher I’d heard once said that if you just take the first step, God would guide you the rest of the way to that altar. So I stepped into the aisle. I felt very weird, like all of the blood was gone from my body and I was just made of tingly air. But that preacher was right, and I managed to make my way to the spot I’d been staring at for twenty minutes now. I didn’t look back to see if Mom and Grandma would follow me.

They were waiting for me. I just know they were. The moment I knelt down, the preacher’s son was at my side. I really like him. He teaches the youth group there, and I’d been a couple of times and he’s a really good teacher, not to mention very good-looking. He laid his hands on my head, and I felt a few more hands on my back. I found my eyes were wet while he just loudly thanked God for the changes that were going on in my heart. Then he knelt by me and asked if I’d ever accepted Jesus as my savior. I answered truthfully, no, I haven’t. I thought I had once, for almost thirteen years I thought I had, but I know I never really knew him. He prayed the sinner’s prayer with me. I remember thinking, I can’t believe I’m doing this.

Someone threw a tissue in my lap as he told me that it wasn’t just going to be a bed of roses from now on. That I would have to change my heart and give my life to God. And that he was proud of me. Then he went to lay his hands on other people, and another girl came to my side. She said I was welcome to the Youth Group meetings on Wednesday nights and that she was so proud of me. She hugged me and left, and I glanced behind me to see that it was Grandma who’d had her hand on me the whole time. And then when the music stopped and we all got up to go back to our seats, I saw Mom had been kneeling beside me. I didn’t speak at all while we sat back down. And then after the sermon, Grandma told me she was proud of me, and Mom gave me a long hug. Something in my heart told me things were going to get better now.

So that was that. Mom asked if I’d rededicated my life to God and I said yes. She doesn’t really need to know.

We went back to Grandma’s and watched a movie and then came back to the house. Big Michael came up to me and said that he’d already talked to Junior and that nothing else better happen between us. I said alright, even though in my head I was already planning on punching Junior in the jaw the day we leave this place.

Sorry this post is so long, I just had to get everything off my chest. Now I have to change my status to “Christian – Other” on Myspace, and replace the ellipses on that survey on the first post with yes’s. Things are gonna change for a while. We’ll see how this goes. (:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Feels like i'm single.

Happy Valentine's Day y'all.

Got up at 8. Mom met me in the kitchen while i was finishing up my second corn dog (breakfast, there's no milk for cereal). She basically said that she can't live here anymore. Stepdad Michael is ....

Alright she just walked in and said we need to go look for apartments. i'm about to have the best Valentine's Day ever. i wish John was here..

Friday, February 13, 2009

Luuuurrve Day.

Today my Valentine's Day cards went out, since i have no life and i don't see my friend on the weekends. Shantay, Audra, Coltan, Amie, Lara, and Tamara got theirs, but Jacob Silva, my bitch Robbie, and Ben the Jew didn't show up for school today, losers. d: So they didn't get their awesome cards. After i sacrificed the time i usually do my workout with to make the damn things. i think they're too adorable though. :D

Oh, and Lonner got me this huuuuge bag of stuff, which includes a little blue teddy bear with a package of heart-shaped suckers taped to him (lmao), a chocolate rose (never gotten one of those), strawberry body butter (mmm...), rose petal soap thingies (???), a little doggy that vibrates when you pull his tail (>3), a box of chocolates and hershey kisses, which i gladly shared with Amie, Lara, and Tamara in 3rd period today. And of course, there was a card that reads: Valentine, you've been a bad influence on me.....and i've loved every minute of it.

Awh. ^^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Killing Paul Gaither.


Paul Gaither. Ooooh i hate him. i don't have a picture of him so here's him on MS Paint:


That's an original Paul Gaither shirt, by the way. i can't say i've ever seen a gayer shirt on a straight guy.

Paul Gaither is just about the most clueless kid i've ever met. Every day when he sees me he'll give me that insanely creepy Paul Gaither smile, and put his arms out like this:


Which is Paul Gaither Code for "Paul Gaither wants a hug." And then, as you can see, he'll say "Hey, girl." Every day. So i'll go over and give him a hug because i can't be mean to nerds, and then he'll say "How you been?" and i'll say "Alright." And he'll say "What you been up to?" And i'll say "Not much." And then he usually asks me, "So, you broke up with that boyfriend yet?" And i'll go "Nope."

So today's adventures with Paul Gaither went like this: In the lunchroom this morning when i was sitting with Felix, Lonner, Shantay, Christy, and Stan, i heard my name called. i said "Paul Gaither is behind me, isn't he?" And Lonner said, "Yeah, he's over there." i turned around and he did that move...ugh that move...and while i was getting up from my seat i went, "God, i hate that guy," under my breath to Lonner and Felix. Then like a trained puppy, i went over and gave him a hug. i was already feeling like i was going to puke my guts out (i feel like that almost every morning, i tell my friends i'm pregnant and having morning sickness :D) The conversation went pretty much like it does every day...until Lonner, who stands at six feet and an inch and is at least 200 pounds....came up behind me and punched Paul Gaither in the balls.

Paul Gaither went down...ooh god he went down, down, was so fucking funny. i wanted to give Lonner a big hug while Paul Gaither stood doubled over, holding his nuts...

And then ten minutes later Paul Gaither called me over again. .... He said something about going after Lonner later (it's hard to understand him with that heavy Southern accent and not-yet-broken-high-pitched voice). And then he said the scariest words i'd heard in a veryy long time..

"Girl, i'm gonna get your number and call you later, 'kay?"

i just said, "Okay, Paul. Bye."

You know, if i was a bitch, i would fuck around with Paul Gaither. i would throw Paul Gaither looks that say, "i'm horny," i would give Paul Gaither long hugs and lightly grab a handful of Paul Gaither ass, i would whisper in Paul Gaither's ear and wink and smile at Paul Gaither...and then when he asks
again if i want to go out, still say no. But, no matter how much fun that would be, i could never because i'm not that mean. Not to mention it would have everybody asking, "Are you seriously going out with Paul Gaither?"

So i'm going to see how long Paul Gaither is going to keep this up. i guess you would call this a new bit on my blog, but who knows, maybe tomorrow Paul Gaither will finally give up. i don't know, but i hope you guys like it. Leave a comment, s'il vous plaît? i love you people. The general public kicks ass. d :

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Song playing: Seether - Broken

i don't know why i'm feeling like this right feels weird....When we lived in the apartment in Chicago...i think of those days as "the simple days." i'd go to school and fuck around with my friends, and come home to a severely depressed single mom and two little siblings. i tried to forgive my mother and did my best to help when my brother and sister made her mad...

Yeah, the cutting helped. Mom saw the first scar and put me on anti-depressants. i think they helped a little. After a while i stopped taking them, and then i cut more and more.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fucking in outer space.

i know we've all thought about it before. i did for the first time today, in geometry class. What made me think of it, i have no idea. But when i'm extremely bored, in church for example, sex is what i think about to keep myself entertained. And in geometry today all i did was lay my head down and doodle on my notes while listening to my iPod. My doodle was pretty awesome. i should snap it once i get a fuckin CAMERA!!

Michael (stepdad) has a camera. It sits on his desk and i see it every time i walk into his room but i'm afraid to ask for it. Chelsea uses it sometimes but she's his daughter. What if i go in there and ask for it and he goes NO WTF YOU THINK I WOULD LET YOU USE MY SHIT??

Song playing: We the Kings - All Again For You

Oh yeah and did i mention i got suspended from the bus? Yeah. Total bullshit. i was sitting with this dude Robbie and he had his arm around me and apparently the bus driver thought we were making out. So she said something over the speakers but we couldn't hear what she said. We thought we heard our names so we looked up at her but she didn't acknowledge us. So we were just like, whatever. And then i get called down to the assistant principle's and i get a letter telling me i'm suspended for 4 days for insubordination. NOT for PDA, insubordination. My mom got pissed, but when i told her my side she got all defensive and called up Robbie's mom and asked her to meet her at the school. Now i am dreading getting back on the bus. Everyone's gonna be like, Did you make out with Robbie? Are you guys going out? i hate it when people do that. i feel like saying shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business.

Squirtle: HELL yeah!



Song playing: Oasis - Champagne Supernova

So yeah. After the rehearsal on....Thursday? i waited for like, an hour for my mother to show up and take me home. Mr. Gossett and i started talking while we waited and when my mom finally showed up she was like, "i wanted to talk to you about her part, because i know she can sing and dance.." and he was like "Well one of the reasons why she didn't get a major part in this one was because, well, being a freshman and already having the major part in Alice in Wonderland.."
i was like "i'm a sophomore."
So apparently he didn't know that so he was like "Really? You're a sophomore?"
So i'm hoping that this means next year i'll get a better part..

i think i hope too much. Maybe i'm just not good enough.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well the stupid thing cut off Squirtle from the picture. D< i'm trying to get a pic of him for you. i want you to see him in his pimp hat. (:

First rehearsal was awesome. All we did was play games and i laughed enough to burn off a good number of calories.

i avoided Wendy because i'm soooo jealous of her. -.-

i'm a little anxious about playing a pirate though..when i'm onstage i turn into a sweet kid...i don't know if i could do the AAAAARRRRRGHHHH thing.

Wish me luck. Mwah.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The gang, packing up their hangout for the move to Bama.


Wally is the whale in the kickass beret.

Chubby Wubby is the green dino with "vacuum."

Bullseye is Miko from Pocahontas.

Spike is the spiky one with the tissue on his head. He's Chubby Wubby's little brother. Youngest of the group.

And, Squirtle is the Pokemon in the pimp hat with the suitcase and...well, he insists it's not a purse, but...

Michelle (not pictured) is a little gray and white doggy that used to be a keychain. I freed her.

George (not pictured) is a little red and brown monkey that also used to be a keychain. Doesn't talk much. Is Michelle's shadow.

Morning after.

Song playing: Sublime - Why Can't We Be Friends

Me: Wow. You guys have been asleep this whole time? Get up, you lazy motherfuckers!

Wally: *yawns* What time is it?

Me: Almost 4:30.

Wally: That was the best sleep I've had in a while.

Me: I'm so glad. HEY! GET UP, YO!

Squirtle: Chill, chick. Thirty more minutes.

Me: *shakes out bed*

Chubby Wubby: Okay, that was NOT cool.

Spike: WAH! Where am I?

Michelle: Have a nice sleep, boys?

George: *hugs Michelle*

Squirtle: So, what's for breakfast?

Me: You missed breakfast.

Bullseye: We did?

Me: Yes. And lunch.

Wally: It's 4:30 in the afternoon.

Bullseye: Oh.

Me: I've been up for twelve hours now.

Squirtle: Ow. Don't even make me think about getting up at 4:30 am.

Me: I have a meeting at 5:30.

Squirtle: Ooh, fancy.

Michelle: What for?

Me: For the play.

All at Once: What play?

Me: Peter Pan.

All: You're Peter Pan??

Me: I'm a pirate. Named Bill.

Squirtle: *bursts into laughter*

Chubby Wubby: Shut the hell up, Squirtle.

Me: Really. A lot of people that are really talented didn't even get parts, so I'm thankful to be a pirate.

Squirtle: But still. Bill the Pirate?

Me: He's the coolest pirate ever.

Wally: L-o-l.

Bullseye: It's 4:35. Shouldn't you be going?

Me: Mom's coming to pick me up. I'm guessing around 5, since she's coming from work.

Spike: So we'll be here by ourselves!

Michelle: Oh God. I'm going to be the only sane one again.

Me: I have no idea when I'm coming back, but I will put Oatmeal in charge if you guys can't behave.

Spike: We'll be good!

Me: Damn straight.

Squirtle: Why are you IM'ing so many dudes? You whore!

Me: Thanks, Squirtle. I actually did sign in as appear offline so I wouldn't have to talk to this one guy. But I accidentally sent a message to the wrong guy so I ended up having to talk to him anyway.

Wally: Who's that?

Me: Shit. Mom's home. I gotta go, guys, I love you. Be good.

Squirtle: *innocent face* We will.

Me: =\

Michelle: I'll make sure nothing gets out of hand.

Squirtle: Yeah, until we get you drunk.

Michelle: Not funny.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Introducing: My Friends.

**I shake out the contents of the soft doll holder.**

Squirtle: Ugh! Finally outta there.

Chubby Wubby: What was the big deal, keeping us all locked up in there?

Bullseye: Spike wouldn't quit pulling my tail.

Spike: That was so Michelle!

Michelle: Was not! Right, George?

George: Um...

Wally: Don't pull George into this. He had nothing to do with it.

Michelle: I bet he wants to be involved, just like everyone else! Right, George?

George: I....

Squirtle: I'm hungry.

Wally: Me too.

Squirtle: Wally, you're always hungry.

Wally: Am not!

Spike: Chubby Wubby, where's the end of my tail?

Chubby Wubby: You lost it. Like, two years ago.

Spike: I did?

Chubby Wubby: Don't you remember?

Spike: My tail's gone!

Bullseye: Only part of it.

Chubby Wubby: Guys, I think Spike suffers from brain damage.

Squirtle: What else is new?

Me: Guys, chill for a minute, okay?

All At Once:
I swear, Spike's gone off the edge.
I'm gonna starve to death!
Me too!
Dude, where are we?
I'm going to hide somewhere.

Me: People! Attention!

Squirtle: One, explain to us why we don't know where we are. Two, I'M HUNGRY.

Me: Shut up, Squirtle. We're in Alabama now.

Chubby Wubby: You told us that already.

Me: I did? Oh, okay. So you're pretty much all caught up, except my mom got married and now we live with three other kids.

Bullseye: Is the dog still here?

Me: Abby is. But Dad put Wylie into a shelter, without telling me.

Michelle: Aww.

Spike: I need a back rub.

Chubby Wubby: Spike, no one is going to give you a back rub.

Spike: Why not?

Chubby Wubby: You're covered in sharp thingies!

Spike: I am?

Chubby Wubby: Dude...

Me: What happened to Spike?

Spike: I was wondering that, too...

George: *mumbles*

Michelle: Shh! George wants to say something!


George: I forgot.

Me: Today is Groundhog Day.

Wally: OMG REALLY? This is so totally my favorite holiday.

Bullseye: Is Groundhog Day really a holiday?

Me: In France it is. Except it's called the Festival of Lights.

Squirtle: I think Wally's gay.

Michelle: That was mean, Squirtle.

Squirtle: What? That's just my opinion. And it's not like it's a BAD thing, right?

Michelle: Of course it's not. Wally can love whomever he chooses.

Squirtle: No he can't! I swear, dude, if you start hitting on me I'm going to punch you in the balls.

Spike: What balls...?

Wally: What was that, Spike?

Michelle: Whatever happened to Heart?



Squirtle: We're not supposed to talk about her.

Michelle: Why not?


Wally: I'm still hungry.

Squirtle: God, me too. Aren't you going to take care of us???

Me: You're nourished with my love.

Chubby Wubby: Bull!

Me: Fine. Chinese sound good?

Wally: I prefer Thai.

Michelle: Yuck.

Squirtle: I don't care what it is. I'm ready to eat George right now.

George: O.O

Michelle: Why don't you just go eat your own shit?

Chubby Wubby: Hey, hey, now.

Spike: Who's George?

Chubby Wubby: That monkey over there.

Spike: Anybody know whatever happened to Tangerine?

Wally: I don't really care. She was a bitch.

Bullseye: =\

Squirtle: Wasn't she, Bullseye? I mean, you hated her.

Bullseye: I don't want to talk about it.

Michelle: Aww, hun. Come on, guys, leave him alone. Wish Heart were here. She could cheer him up.

Squirtle: *smacks Michelle*

Michelle: So totally OW.

Squirtle: Quit mentioning her.

Michelle: Well, you know she could. They were closer than peanut butter and jelly. I wonder why it didn't work out.

Bullseye: I'm gonna go lay down.

Squirtle: Michelle!!

Michelle: Bullseye, come back, I'm sorry.

Chubby Wubby: Michelle, just shut up. You're making things worse.

Me: Okay, Thai for Wally, Chinese for everybody else, and I also got a few cheeseburgers for those who are less adventurous.

Squirtle: FOOD!

Wally: That's Thai food?

Me: That's what you wanted.

Wally: Okay, two words: puke-inducing.

Me: What?

Wally: I thought Thai food was composed mainly of cupcakes.

Squirtle: Your mom!

Michelle: Someone pass the french fries.

Chubby Wubby: Magic word?

Michelle: Please.

Chubby Wubby: The other one.

Michelle: What? There is no other one.

Chubby Wubby: Yes there is.

Michelle: Gimme the french fries.

Chubby Wubby: Need the magic!

Michelle: I'll show you magic.

Chubby Wubby: Is that a threat or a promise?

Squirtle: Ugh, you guys, I'm trying to eat here.

Michelle: I'm sure we won't get in your way.

Me: Hungry, Bullseye?

Squirtle: He doesn't feel good.

Me: What's wrong with him?

Michelle: Broken heart.

Me: Oh. Heart?

Wally: Shh!

Me: Sorry.

Squirtle: Wally, this Thai stuff is amazing.

Wally: Anything goes when you're hungry, Squirtle.

Squirtle: Damn right.

Chubby Wubby: What the crap! This stuff is HOTT.

Squirtle: (laughing) He just tried the wasabi.

Michelle: Here, this'll help.

Chubby Wubby: *chews*

Wally: Don't, Chubby Wubby!

Chubby Wubby: *throws up*

Michelle, Squirtle, Spike: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Wally: That was cruel.


Michelle: I didn't.

Chubby Wubby: *lunges*

Me: Whatever happened to the days when we could eat together and not end up trying to kill each other?

Squirtle: I don't think those days existed.

Spike: This is good. What's it called?

Michelle: That would be a cheeseburger, hun.

Wally: Wow.

Me: Somebody give Bullseye a cheeseburger. I'm sure he's hungry.

Spike: I'll do it.

Chubby Wubby: Don't bug him, Spiky.

Spike: I won't. Here, Bullseye, Katie got you a cheeseburger.

Bullseye: Thanks, Spike.

Spike: It's extra cheesy.

Bullseye: So I see.

Spike: And it's all yours.....IF you come and eat with us.

Bullseye: I'd rather eat by myself right now.

Spike: Come on, man...being around other people lessens the pain.

Bullseye: And you would know.

Spike: Well, no. But we're all here for you, man, don't forget that.

Bullseye: Thanks again. See you later, Spike.

Spike: Bye.

Wally: Is he okay?

Spike: Nuh-uh. He wouldn't even come sit with us.

Squirtle: We're too good for him.

Spike: He really misses her, doesn't he...

Wally: I do, too. She was a good dinosaur.

Michelle: It's none of our business. Finish your food.

Squirtle: Yes, mommy.

Spike: I think we should try to help him.

Wally: How?

Spike: We should try to find her.

Squirtle: That's a good one.

Me: Spike, she's probably in a box in storage somewhere...either that or she got thrown away when my room was cleaned out.

Michelle: Didn't we see her after that?

Squirtle: I have no idea. Were we even friends with you back then?

Michelle: I-d-k.

Wally: I'm not hungry anymore.

Squirtle: Whatever, guys. She was just a girl. There's like, a bajillion other ones out there. We'll find someone else for the poor guy.

Spike: But what if she was his true love?

Squirtle: I don't believe in true love.

Wally: You won't until it happens...

Squirtle: Chea right.

Me: You guys should get into bed. It's late.

Chubby Wubby: What about Bullseye?

Me: Just leave him alone. He'll sleep wherever he wants.

*Everyone gets into bed*

Me: Michelle, you can have your own bed.

Michelle: Thank you. I'm so done with guys right now.

George: ):

Michelle: George, it's only tonight.

Squirtle: Come on, George, don't be such a pussy.

Wally: Squirtle!

George: It's alright.

Squirtle: See? I got him to talk.

Wally: You're magical.

Squirtle: I am.

Me: Good night, Squirtle, Wally, Spike, Chubby Wubby, Bullseye, George, Michelle.

Squirtle: Good night.

Chubby Wubby: Good night.

Michelle: Good night.

Wally: Good night.

Spike: Good night.

George: G'night.

Bullseye: Good night, Katie.

Me: See you in the morning. Feel better, Bullseye.
I love you guys.

Squirtle: Love you more.

Me: =P

Preview of My Week:


***PLEASE make sure to initial beside your name on the cast list to indicate your acceptance of the role indicated. If you would like a copy of this notice please see Mr. Gossett.

Tuesday, February 3rd - 5:30 pm CEPA Theatre
ALL CAST MEMBERS and a Parent or Guardian should plan to attend a brief but informative meeting where we will cover all of the aspects of safety, rehearsal scheduling, maintaining casting eligibilty, grade requirements, and fundraising. Preliminary schedules will be distrubted.

Wednesday February 4th - 3:15 pm CEPA Theatre
Our 1st after school rehearsal will be centered on the viewing of the Cathy Rigby - Peter Pan movie. Attendance is required of all cast members who have not seen the video in Mr. Gossett's theatre classes. However, ALL CAST MEMBERS are welcome, including parents. This is currently the only rehearsal that will be open to parents.

Thursday, February 5th - 3:15 pm CEPA Theatre
ALL CAST MEMBERS - Rehearsal - Ice Breaking, Vocal Exercise, Character Development.

Friday, February 6th - NO REHEARSAL
Monday February 9th - Principals ONLY
Tuesday February 10th - Lost Boys ONLY
Wednesday February 11th - ALL CAST MEMBERS
Thursday February 12th and Friday 13th - NO REHEARSAL

Friday, January 30, 2009

"Who the hell is that?"

Well, the list was posted today. But when i walked into first period theater i told everyone that had seen the list not to tell me who got what part. No one could even talk about it. i totally did not want to know. i planned on looking at the list at the very end of the day so if i got a bad part or if i didn't make it i would have the whole weekend to go home and cry about it and my day wouldn't be ruined. Mr. Gossett said he had a copy of the cast list in the theatre if i wanted to see it and i said noooo... But then eventually everyone convinced me to go and read it. It was sitting on the stage, and as i looked it over i didn't see my name at the top and felt my heart drop. At first i couldn't find my name and i was like oh no...then i saw it, next to "Bill Jukes." Okay, who's that? That's a nobody. But i guess i couldn't complain. At least i got a part, right? And guess what?? Mr. Gossett described Bill as "the coolest pirate ever." Yayy.
But i guess i really am excited. i want to see if i have any good singing parts. i hope i do. One of the storytellers from Alice is Peter Pan in this play. i think she's a senior, and her name is Kalee. i didn't know she could sing. i want to hear her. And Katy Compton is Wendy. i have no idea who that is.

So yeah...i'm hoping that i can get a good part next year. If we're still here.