Friday, February 27, 2009

Song playing: The Naked Brothers Band - Crazy Car

Well my mom signed me up for this thing two weeks ago. She showed me this website (as you can see, i don't know how to put links on here..). AMTC is a Christian organization dedicated to helping out the talented--the singers, dancers, models, and actors. She showed me the video of a very talented girl named Taylor. She sang, modeled, and did monologues and improv and skits and a commercial..and she was amazing at all of it. She was named Best Overall Actress. And i just kept thinking, there's no way i'll ever be half as good as her. After that i didn't really think about the auditions until a couple days before, when Mom kept reminding me to get a monologue.

Mr. Gossett recommended the monologue i did for the recital, the night we did Alice in Wonderland at the high school. But that on was the one Yvaine from Stardust did, telling Tristan that she was in love with him, and i didn't really like it. It was kind of boring. Mr. Gossett, however, was crazy about it. i decided to do something my way and i chose a monologue from the Disney movie Aladdin, where the Genie is just emerging from the lamp:

Aaaaahhhhh! OY! Ten-thousand years will give ya such a crick in the neck! Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there! (pretends to have a microphone) Nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. (to Aladdin) Hi, where ya from? What's your name? Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin. Nice to have you on the show. Can we call you 'Al?' Or maybe just 'Din?' Or howbout 'Laddi?' (suddenly is wearing a kilt) Sounds like "Here, boy! C'mon, Laddi!" Do you smoke? Mind if I do? Oh, sorry Cheetah, hope I didn't singe the fur! Hey, Rugman! Haven't seen you in a few millennia! Slap me some tassel! Yo! Yeah! (high-fives carpet) Say, you're a lot smaller than my last master. Either that or I'm gettin' bigger. Look at me from the side, do I look different to you? That's right, you're my master! He can be taught!! What would you wish of me, (as Arnold Schwarzenegger) the ever impressive, (inside a cube) the long contained, (as a ventriloquist with a dummy) often imitated, but never duplicated....(he multiplies into about 7 different Genies)...duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated, duplicated.... Genie! Of! The Lamp! (as Ed Sullivan) Right here direct from the lamp, right here for your enjoyment wish fulfillment. Thank youuuuu! (back) You get three wishes to be exact. And ix-nay on the wishing for more wishes. That's it, three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds. Master, I don't think you quite realize what you've got here! So why don't you just ruminate, while I illuminate the possibilities!

But i got the monologue on Wednesday, the night before the auditions. That's a lot to memorize in one i shortened it so it stopped at "Thank youuuuuu!" But i still didn't have the whole thing down. i knew i was in trouble. Mom practically had to drag me to the auditions.

But we got there and i sat in a room with about 300 other people for like 10 minutes, the whole time still trying to memorize the damn monologue.

The guy that was supposed to be there to judge us -- some Chinese dude -- never showed.

So the CEO came instead !!

We were divided into groups based on our main reason for coming, so i was put into the acti
ng group. The very little ones went first; the ones 4 to about 12, so they could go home to bed first. Then the teenagers, and finally, the old people. (: i was put behind a girl named Layla. At first she didn't seem like much competition, but then the CEO herself came by the line and had each of us perform our monologues for her. Layla's was about a suicidal girl trying to find God. She was good. Very good. i felt like a little kid doing mine after that, especially when i had to keep glancing at my paper. And the girl behind me, oh man, she could sing. In the middle of her monologue she started singing so it must've been something from a Broadway show or something like that. i was like, oh shit. i'm screwed.

So i finally got up to the table. i handed the lady Carmen my form thingy and a picture of me. Here's the picture:

i did my monologue (horribly) and then she asked how tall i was and if i would please stand back and turn around so she could look at me. Then i walked from the judge's desk to a big pillar and back again. My walk was especially bouncy and afterwards i thought i might have looked like i was trying to do a model walk. >< Whoops. That was it. We walked out and i told Mom i was glad she forced me to go. (: Callbacks were the next day between 8 and 2. Mom said 2 o'clock came and went. Oh, well. Then at 3 they called...said they would like to have me show up at the national competition in Orlando, Florida. They said i was bubbly. xD

SOOOOO ..... If i raise $3,600 i get to go compete ... The most you leave with, they said, is a contract. So i guess you could say that's the grand prize. i'm so excited. ^^ But lately i've been doubting myself... Mr. Gossett said he was very disappointed that i didn't do the Stardust monologue but he would help me in any way he could; however, my French teacher Mr. Darby said the whole thing was a scam. Darby says i would be better off going to a college for acting, and while that would cost a whole lot more than 3,600 bucks, it would be a better use of my time. Mom still says i should go for it, though.

Song playing: Lit - My Own Worst Enemy

Anyway today is March 7th...yeah it's taken me forever to finish this blog. In my defense, we moved into the new house last Thursday, and we still haven't moved my computer over there. Well, okay, i wouldn't exactly call it 'new,' but it's the best we've got right now. It's a temporary home. Mom says once she's saved up enough we'll move into someplace better. Meanwhile i'll be out in the middle of Cropwell, Alabama, and hopefully we'll get my computer moved and get Internet out there.


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