Saturday, February 21, 2009



In the past six days, i have hated my step brother, written a sad poem, watched my mom cry, prayed to someone i'm not even entirely sure exists, and moved out of Michael's house.

Song playing: Finger Eleven - Talking to the Walls

I'm sitting in my grandma's house again, in the guest room that is going to be my room for the next two weeks. The poem is not the best, i'm obviously no poet, but here it is anyway:


she never laughed
she never ate
she never did her work in school
she never talked to anyone
the clothes she wore weren't cool
and every day, it seemed
she slipped further and further away
an island unto herself,
she was always alone.

no one knew
her real name
she was just the girl who never talked
and no one knew what was inside
so it came as a shock
when suddenly she was gone
never to return
and no one knew the reason why
she would take her own life
but it was too late to ask.

i was just laying in bed, listening to my iPod and trying to block out pain, thoughts, just the whole world....i was listening to I'm With You by Avril Lavigne over and over when words just started popping up in my head like little bubbles...i ran out to the car to get my notebook and a pencil so i could write them down before i forgot them. so that's what happened. i've written poems before but not in a verryyyyy long time, so this was sort of a surprise.

Ugh. it's 10:40 and i'm tired of sitting on the floor. There's no desk in here for my computer. i'm tired of talking. i want to go to sleep.

good night.

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