Tuesday, January 20, 2009


ARGGHHHHH!!!!!! Okay. So. This guy on my bus asked me to sit next to him, and then told me he was single and then asked if i was. When i told him i wasn't he asked if i wanted to go four wheeling (keep in mind this is a very compressed verison of our conversation) and i'm like hell yeah


After i told her okay mom he's coming over and she's all okay, i'm gonna go out there and talk to him and meet with him and all that shit, and then he finally shows up and then my mom stands right in the fuckin living room and screams at me cuz i didn't tell her this was going on.What the fuck ever. So she goes out there and gives them this whole fuckin lecture and i'm just standing at the door trying not to fuckin cry.

i got in my room and i was so mad i finally did cry. This is so fuckin unfair. i was actually going to get out of the house and DO something for once. Normally all i do is sit here and go on myspace all day. She tells me i don't get out and do shit with my friends, and i'm just some fuckin hermit that doesn't want to be social. WHAT THE FUCK EVER. This is the reason i'm not social, you dumb cunt.

Ugh. i haven't been this mad in a long time. It's just, this was supposed to be my shining moment. i'm still pretty new, and still trying to find my place in school, and i just really wanted to see if i could fit in and have some fuckin FUN for once.

They probably won't even want me to go now. They'll be like, Oh, no, she's the stupid rich prick from the city. She's too good to get a little mud on her jeans.


i'm trying to think of something else. At least, that's what AJ is telling me i should do. i don't know what to think about, though. i'll just be sitting here all night like i always do.

*sigh.* Alright. Done being a whiny bitch. i'm really not that pissed anymore...it's like two hours later...Mom came in my room and explained all of the stuff that's going on outside of my little Pity Bubble. i can't say all of the details, i can only say that i have to go to the courthouse tomorrow and answer questions concerning lies that SOMEBODY put out there in a bitch fit, and then three hours later, i have to go talk to an attorney concerning a bunch of custody shit that i don't really feel like dealing with but apparently is necessary.

So yeah. That's my life. Not the best, not the worst.


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