Saturday, January 10, 2009

A survey.

This is just a survey so you can know me better.



Sex?:yes please

Birth Date?:july 26, 1993

Hair Color?:bleh brown

Eye Color?:chocolate


Body Type?:fatt Dx


Tattoos?:not yet

What are you wearing right now?:my too-small ACDC shirt and happy bunny shorts

Hair style at the moment?:messy; parted right with bangs on my left side. i straightened it yesterday.

* Favorites *




Alcoholic Drink?: alcohol virgin

Time of day?:sunset

Season?:not sure.

Day of the week?:saturday

Song at the moment?:check yes juliet - we the kings

Band/Artist?:a day to remember


Subject in school?:intro to theatre or french 1

Place in the USA?:home

Place outside the USA?:not sure yet (:

Color?:sky blue

Style of clothes?:i like the gothic and emo styles...john thinks emos are gay, though


Mall?:any one's long as it's got weird people in it (everywhere does)


Website?:youtube, failblog, ehow

Magazine?:anything but those freakin chick magazines

Kind of pet?:any....but cats hate me

* Worst *

Place to be?:alone in the dark

Class in school?:CHEMISTRY

Time of day?:don't think i have one...

Season?:don't think i have one...

Kind of pet?:same as above

Drink?:vegetable juice



Store?:not sure

Style of clothes?:preppy, or grandma

Celebrity?:ugh idk don't pay attention to them

Color?:ugly yellows and greens

Book?:boring ones

Type of music?:rap and country


Magazine?: idk

* Daily Life *

When do you get up?:around 4 am

What is your first thought?:can i get away with sleeping in? and the answer is usually yes..

What do you do first?:uhm...turn the water on and take off my clothes

What's your usual outfit?:shirt, jeans, earrings, necklace, mismatched socks and my converse shoes.

What's the first class of the day?:intro to theatre, love that class

When does school end?: 2:51. i don't know why they dont just make it 2:50.

Do you see your friends?:mhm. i love em.

What do you do when you get home?:eattt...then get online and exercise

What time do you go to bed?:on school days usually like around 12 or 1 if i'm on the fone...sometimes early as 8....weekends whenever im too tired to stay awake or if i have nothing else to do

* Do you...*:

Brush your teeth daily?:yeah see icon_mrgreen.gif

Brush your hair daily?: yes

Shower daily?:who doesnt?

Sing?:all the time

Dance?:when i want to.

Party?:haha i wish.

Get drunk?:nope

Have sex?:icon_twisted.gif

Read books?:yupp

Listening to music a lot?:hell yes

Read magazines?:somtimes

Go online a lot?:yes

Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?:no

Have a religion?:nnnnnnhh....

Have an IPod?:yes

Want an IPod?:yes

Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: yess :D

Play an instrument?: used to

Get sick a lot?:not really

Watch TV?:hardly

Like MTV?:yes

Like VH1?:yep

Like the History Channel?:not usually

Have Digital Cable?:no

Have more than 500 channels on your TV?:nope

Listen to the radio?:when i can get my fave station through all the static.

Still use your CD player?:even if i had one i wouldn't use it. no CDs.

Stalk people?:maybe.. icon_ninja.gif no

Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?:nope

Have dial-up internet?:nope

Have AOL?:no

Know HTML?:a little

Have a GPA higher than 3.9?:nah

Get H's in honors classes?:uhm what's H mean?

* Music *

Do you listen to Rap?:hell nohh!!

R & B?:nope

Blues and/or Jazz?:no


Pop?:a little

Country?:like one or two songs i like


Heavy Metal?:occasionally


Techno?:not really


Broadway Musical songs?:hell yes avenue Q


* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *

Hair color?:any

Eye color?:any

Tattoos?:don't long as it's not like overboard where they're trying to look like a fuckin cat or lizard or something

Piercings?:sure..but again, not overboard

Favorite Music?:i'd be kinda disappointed if he didn't like rock

Style of clothing?:as long as he's happy with it and he's not trying to be something he's not..

Body Type?:i don't really care.

Personality or Looks?:personality

Would you go out with someone just for their money?:never

Do you go on "Pity Dates"?:nope

Does size matter?:difficult question...

Do they have to be popular?:i'm not that kind of girl.

Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?:idk ask them....i prefer being asked out though....i'm terrified of doing it myself

Where do you go on the first date?:idk never really been on a date before

Kiss on the first date?:if it felt right

Sex on the first date?:nope.

* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?:hell no

Are you eating something?:gum

Are you drinking something?:just my saliva

Are you IMing anyone?:no

Are you talking on the phone with someone?:i wish

Are you talking face to face with someone?:no

Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?:i don't think so o.O

What song are you listening to?:check yes juliet

What are you watching on TV?:not watching tv. last thing i watched was that show where these stupid people come and get the shit scared out of them.

What other websites do you have open?, somebody's blog, gaia, myspace, photobucket, gaia again, and this.

Why are you taking this survey?:let people know me.

Where are you going to post it?:on a blog.

What are you going to do after this?:try to post another blog.

* What do you Believe? *

Do you believe in ghosts?:maybe

The afterlife?:yes



The devil?:...










Nothing?:lul idk depends on how you look at it

Reincarnation?:i dun think so

Yourself?:at times

* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?:yupp

Where were you going?:alabama, hawaii, georgia, texas, maryland....i think that's it

Have you been to another country?:i don't think

Have you ever went to another country with your friends?:no i wish

Have you ever partied in another country?:HA that's a good one

Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?:we're doing it someday

Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: probably

Pretended to like someone just to get popular?:no, what a stupid thing to do

Talked about someone behind their back?: yes -.- sorry about that..

Had someone talk about you behind your back?:yes

Been in a fight online?:yup

Been in a fight face to face?:yes

Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?:yes

Been called a bitch?:yes xD

Been called a slut/whore?:yes

Been to Australia?:i wish

Do you like snakes?:sure

Ever cried to get your own way?:yesssssss

Ever broken a bone?:nope

Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?:nope

Ever had serious surgery?:no

Ever looked a porn online?:just a little...

Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: no xD

Ever bought clothes at Walmart?:millions of times

Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?:no

Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?:no

Ever been on stage for any reason?:yessuh

Ever been in a play?:yess

Ever been in a choir?:good god no

Ever been in a band?:yup marching band

Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?:yup violin, flute, and a little guitar

Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax:no

Waxed your eyebrows?:nope

Waxed your legs?:nuh uh

Cut yourself shaving?:yeah :[

Have you ever died?:no..

Was this survey an good at all?:sure

What time is it right now?:3:59 pm

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