Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturdays and Alice in Wonderland


Today is Saturday. i always say the only good thing about a Saturday is the sleeping in. After that, everything's just boring. i actually really do like school; it's the only place i normally see my friends. Surprisingly, i've made a lot since i moved here. Well, for the first
month or so i was a total loner. :\ That was no fun. Then it was like suddenly everyone went, Oh! New girl! i've been getting asked out a lot lately, too, which is very weird for me. Guys have never really noticed me that much.

Imagine this; awkward, shy new kid at a strange school in a strange state, trying out for the school play. i know it was crazy. Maybe that's why i did it, just to see if i really could. And i also wanted very badly to make friends. The play was Alice in Wonderland, and i tried out for the Mad Hatter/Alice. i never really thought i could be Alice, so i performed a monologue from the Hatter's point of view. And i sang a song called "Will You Walk a Little Faster, Said a Whiting to a Snail." It's like an old nursery rhyme i got from the 1999 Alice in Wonderland movie with whatsherface....Tina Majorino from Napoleon Dynamite. Guess what? i got a callback. And guess what else? i showed up late. Everyone was leaving when i got there. But i still auditioned again, and the next day my name showed up on the cast list, next to Alice. i started screaming in the hallway.

Rehearsals were the best. i truly, absolutely love being onstage. People ask me how i can just get up in front of a whole bunch of people and not be nervous. The truth is, i really don't know. But once i'm up there,
i get a strange rush like it's some kind of extreme sport. i think i might go into acting someday, if i'm good enough. Anyway we performed Alice for...five? elementary and primary schools. And then we peformed it for the recital at the high school's auditorium, and here are the pics.

Opening scene; that's the storybook behind me.
God i love that skirt.

Saying hello to the audience. My apron was a little off

The tea party scene. It's the March Hare, the (female) Mad Hatter, Dormouse, and me. I love the storybook.

Afterwards, holding my roses and yelling at my friend Ben ;D

My family(L-R); sb Christian, bro Kyle, sis Kelly, ss Chelsea, me, and the other one is a little jerkoff so just call him Royal Douchebag. Wish it wasn't so blurry.

i have a CD of a couple videos from the performance. Wish i could find it. I know it's around here somewhere... i'm definitely not the most organized person.

i think this post is coming to a close. Not bad for just the second one, right?
Let me know what you think. Merci for reading.

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