Saturday, January 17, 2009


Yep, that's my ex. Not the chick, of course. But i dated that guy in like...fifth or sixth grade. It didn't last very long, but i remember crying when he dumped me. That's the only time i've ever been dumped, ever. i got this off of the chick's Myspace and thought i'd show it to you. Not exactly sure why.

i never did the essay. Mrs. Carr gave me until Tuesday (no school Monday) to turn it in b/c i told her i left it at a friend's house. i would love to type it, because if we type it it only has to be two pages long, but my printer has no ink. So i have to write it, and it now has to be four pages long. FOUR FUCKIN PAGES!

i really should get started on it. but i'll probably wait until Monday night to do it. i love being lazy.

Song playing: Disturbed - Inside the Fire

i think i've pretty much narrowed down the audition song list to this:

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist - Avenue Q
The Money Song - Avenue Q
The song from Annie
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
For Now - Avenue Q
All You Need is Love - Beatles

And a correction from an earlier post: The auditions are on the 26th and 27th of this month, not the 25th and 26th. i'm really trying very hard not to rip off posters announcing the audition dates off the walls of the hallways.

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